Saturday, June 16, 2007

Chilean Education

The education is a very important component in a person, because this let to the people developement in several areas.
In Chile as mayority countries, the education is a right for any person that want to learn and constitute an obligation for the state and the parents to secure that children receive education.
In our country the education is divide in a parvulary school, basic school and secondary school, this is obligatory for all. Besides, the education can to be a privet or public education, depend it every family and their own incomes.
The education is regulate by organic contitutional law of teaching and is a right consagrate in the political constitution of republic.
The education in Chile is a transformation process now, the educational reform purpose equity, quality and an efective teaching with the implementation of new activities that help to children to learn more and better.
I think that change in education is urgent, because need it and is valuable for a better society.

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