Friday, June 15, 2007


History of the Faculty of law in Chile
In Chile the study of law begins with University of San Felipe in 1738. It was teaching Roman law and Canonic law.
In april 1778, the Laws and Forensic Practice Academy was created with the purpose to get experience to be a lawyer. In 1813 the National Intitution was created for teaching of law in Chile, because the new authorities wanted to give a high quality education of law.
When José Joaquín de Mora and Andrés Bello arrived to Chile, they reformed the law. In 1839, the University of San Felipe and the Goverment was finished, establishing other place for the teaching of law the University of Chile in 1843.
With the dictation of Civil Code in 1856, it finished teaching Spanish law. It was replaced by the study of civil law.
The Faculty of law worked in several places, but in 1938 it was established definitly at the Pío Nono street building. Its first director was Mr. Arturo Alessandri Rodríguez.

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