Thursday, June 14, 2007

Subject about law

Public Penal defense
The objective of public penal defense is to give a lawyer to all people who need it.
The public penal defense have legal personality and his own patrimony, the president of republic is his supervisor through ministry of justice, was made in year 2001 under the new penal procedure reform.
The purpose of defender is give a high quality and professional defense, to the people who have been accused for any crime or a simple fault and beside don’t have a lawyer for any reason, for the equality before law, for right process and with a respect for the human dignity of his clients.
I chose this topic, because is very interesting for me. Besides I hope to work as a penal lawyer. The public penal defense is a important institution of justice, because it give to all people a defense and that is very fair. This help the society.
Some Web sites

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