Thursday, November 15, 2007

"North and South"

Recently I watch a very good series called " North and South", the protagonist are Richard Armitage and Daniela Denby-Ache among others actors. At the heart of the series is the relationship between Margaret Hale, a young woman from a south and John Thornton, a cotton mill owner. Around them are class struggles between the workers and mill owners and ideological struggles between the industrial North and the agrarian South. After moving North, Margaret's father befriends his student Mr. Thornton. Margaret has already formed her opinion of Mr. Thornton independently after seeing him treat his workers harshly. John Thornton is attracted to Margaret's independence and position in society as a well-educated Southerner. As in "Pride and Prejudice" the marriage proposal comes in the middle of the series and is rejected by Margaret. The latter half of the series is an unraveling of the former misunderstandings ending in a romantic reconciliation which is again mirrored by reconciliation between workers and mill owners. This series is great and very romantic and the set design have high quality, but it have bad points too for example the series is slow in some parts, but anyway I recomend "north and south" and I hope that you watch.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Elias's blog

I visited Elias's blog and i like very much. The blog's contain is interesting and song that he put in his blog is beautiful and exist an order and coherent in his ideas. the blog is very complete and it has much information. I think that Elias's blog is one of the best in our group and is very pleasant to visit it. Besides, it is very easy to explorer and all the contain is very comprehensible. The color that he used for his blog I don't like at all, because there are many and personally I disagree with the decition of color. Besides, the sculpture that He put is not nice for me. Other thing that I like is the picture that have the blog in its principal page in the rigth part.
Ok, that is all
Congratulations Elias, your blog is very pretty.
You can visit Elias's Blog here:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My favourite painting

This painting is called "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt and it is probably his most famous work. He was born in Austria on 1862. He is a symbolist painter and one of the most prominent members of the Vienna Art Nouveau movement. His primary subject was the female body and his works are marked by the eroticism. I like very much this painting in particular, because I think that is very romantic and the couple's kiss is beautiful and sweet. Besides, it have many details as the rectangular shapes over the man, while the woman is covered with flowers and an elegant gold that covers and shelters to them.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My website

My website in internet is Youtube, because it is very funny and I can found anythings in this page. My brother recomended me the Youtube page and after I was explorer it for my self. I visit Youtube every two days more or less or every moment that I need. I like Youtube, because in this site I can return to the past and remembered somethings that I had forgot, as T.V. programs or Cartoons that I saw when I was a little girl. Search in Youtube is very easy and in generaly anythings that you want is there, the page have several languages and every person can have an account. Address:

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Chilean Education

The education is a very important component in a person, because this let to the people developement in several areas.
In Chile as mayority countries, the education is a right for any person that want to learn and constitute an obligation for the state and the parents to secure that children receive education.
In our country the education is divide in a parvulary school, basic school and secondary school, this is obligatory for all. Besides, the education can to be a privet or public education, depend it every family and their own incomes.
The education is regulate by organic contitutional law of teaching and is a right consagrate in the political constitution of republic.
The education in Chile is a transformation process now, the educational reform purpose equity, quality and an efective teaching with the implementation of new activities that help to children to learn more and better.
I think that change in education is urgent, because need it and is valuable for a better society.

Friday, June 15, 2007


History of the Faculty of law in Chile
In Chile the study of law begins with University of San Felipe in 1738. It was teaching Roman law and Canonic law.
In april 1778, the Laws and Forensic Practice Academy was created with the purpose to get experience to be a lawyer. In 1813 the National Intitution was created for teaching of law in Chile, because the new authorities wanted to give a high quality education of law.
When José Joaquín de Mora and Andrés Bello arrived to Chile, they reformed the law. In 1839, the University of San Felipe and the Goverment was finished, establishing other place for the teaching of law the University of Chile in 1843.
With the dictation of Civil Code in 1856, it finished teaching Spanish law. It was replaced by the study of civil law.
The Faculty of law worked in several places, but in 1938 it was established definitly at the Pío Nono street building. Its first director was Mr. Arturo Alessandri Rodríguez.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Subject about law

Public Penal defense
The objective of public penal defense is to give a lawyer to all people who need it.
The public penal defense have legal personality and his own patrimony, the president of republic is his supervisor through ministry of justice, was made in year 2001 under the new penal procedure reform.
The purpose of defender is give a high quality and professional defense, to the people who have been accused for any crime or a simple fault and beside don’t have a lawyer for any reason, for the equality before law, for right process and with a respect for the human dignity of his clients.
I chose this topic, because is very interesting for me. Besides I hope to work as a penal lawyer. The public penal defense is a important institution of justice, because it give to all people a defense and that is very fair. This help the society.
Some Web sites